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Sweetie Belle burst into the Carousel Boutique in tears because one of her best friends is moving to a foster home in Baltimare. Surely there has to be a pony in Ponyville who can be her foster parent, right?

I'm lucky to have two of my favorite, (and also way underrated authors) on this site pre-reading for me, HMXTaylorLee and DemonBrightSpirit. Their work is seriously excellent and unappreciated so go check them out.

My super awesome cover art was done by hugsforpenguin and commissioned by the aforementioned HMXTaylorLee, so another thanks to him.

This story takes place in an Alternate Universe where Quills and Sofas sells more than two things.

Chapters (28)

Scootaloo's birthday is on the way, and Rainbow Dash has just got her the ultimate present -- the coolest new scooter in Equestria! There's only one little catch -- Rainbow must assemble the scooter herself. Simple, right?

Now with a live reading!

Chapters (1)

Every year for Hearths Warming Scootaloo asks for the same thing, but sadly never get what she wishes for.

This year when Hearths Warming comes around, she doesn't even write to Santa Hooves or see him in the stores.
And prepares for another disappointing Hearths Warming.

(Proof read by TheGreatEater
(Based on the song All I Really Want by Steven Curtis Chapman)

Chapters (14)

During her parent's funeral, Vinyl Scratch is almost killed by a mysterious unicorn, but is saved by Octavia Melody, or as she is know, Secret Agent 0CT. She soon finds not only are her parents still alive, but they need her help. Now, she must work along side Secret Agent 0CT and the Equestrian Secret Service in order to stop the Three Doctors. Can she stop their plan to eliminate all unicorns, save her parents and still manage to get the girl? Tune in now to find out!

Authors notes: This is going to be silly, don't expect super serious. You have been warned. Cover art edited from mlp comics cover. There will be romance, but it's not the main focus of the story.

Chapters (9)

It had been a year since Twilight had heard of anything from Trixie after the Alicorn Amulet incident. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter saying that her so called "rival" has tragically died and is requested to be at her funeral.

Thanks to CommanderX5 and Magic Man for editing.

Thanks to Neko-Me for the cover art.

Live Reading by Aria The Brony

Chapters (1)

It's time for Pinkie Pie to get a manecut once again, that time when even her own gravity defying hairstyle can no longer support its own weight.

But, something goes wrong.

Chapters (6)

Celestia said it herself, that Twilight Sparkle is no longer her student. While wandering around in the city of Canterlot one day, Her Highness stumbles upon Trixie's local stage show. To Her Highness, there seemed to be much potential behind the mere performer's act, and soon found it hard to resist taking Trixie under her wing.

Would Trixie even be up to the challenge?

Slightly edited by NemoSpecific.

Chapters (20)

After all the problems that Trixie has been through she is now finally starting to get her life together until one day she is summoned by Princess Twilight. Twilight tells Trixie of the greatness she has accomplished for her new kindness but that will not change her completely. She is tasked by the Princess of friendship to accomplish a feat of true love and kindness to prove that she has truly changed for the better. After leaving to attend her quest Trixie devises a plan to prove her new image after speaking with the cutie mark crusaders, and decides to adopt the young Scootaloo. Will her plan work out for her, or will there be more difficulties then she had originally planned.

Chapters (1)

Derpy is one of the best mailmares in Equestria. To keep her beloved Dinky safe, and the muffins supplied, she takes odd jobs in every corner of the country, making her an uncommon but not surprising sight anywhere in the world.

Celestia is the royal alicorn of the Sun, the Lady of Light, the Eye of Radiance. She stands alone as the most powerful and most respected member of nobility, although her general day to day activities keep her far distant from any limelight.

Dinky loves her mother completely. And she thinks Time Turner is a nice enough colt, even if he does leave all the time in that funny box of his. But Dinky knows that her mother could really use a special somepony of her own.

And wouldn't it be awesome if she could have a little brother or something to teach how to do magic? (That's how that works, right? When two ponies are special someponies?)

This will take all her cunning, daring, and the most politeness ever. And maybe some muffins.
(Random Romance Mar2014)

Chapters (7)

When Trixie is hospitalized with amnesia, there are only six mares and a dragon who are up to the task of bringing Trixie back. Too bad the mare is absolutely terrified of a certain princess. A long road of recovery is in store for Trixie, will she make it? Probably, it's a fanfiction about best pony after all. But that doesn't mean it will be easy.

(As of chapter 7, I have changed it from the sad tag, for it is i into much more cheerful waters.)

(This story is on hiatus until I either fix my computer, or get a new one.)

Edited by:
Key Tapper

Chapters (9)